Genius Hour

1.  Briefly describe what you project was.

-My project was about women’s body types throughout history. I got my idea from BuzzFeed.

2.  Why did you want to do this project?

-I wanted to this project because i wanted to show that many different body types and different types of Fashion and looks that were throughout history and i wanted to show that because I want girls to think they are beautiful no matter what size they are.

3.  What was your biggest challenge you had when you were completing your project?  Why?

– The Biggest challenge was using my own words. but in the end i just had to wing it because honestly i forgot my notes at home.

4.  What was your biggest success? Why?

-My biggest successes was leaving people with so many questions. I enjoy that cause I love when people are so interested they need to ask questions.

5.  What would you change if you could do it over again?

I would change the fact that I left my notes at home.

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